
  • team

    Prof. José Fernández Checa

  • team

    Dr. Dean Naisbitt

  • Dr Thomas Hammond

    Dr Thomas Hammond

    Co-Leader WG5 Dr Thomas Hammond ( Molecular and Systems Toxicology, University of Basel (Switzerland) Higher Education 2008-2012 Phd in Toxicology,…

  • Dr. Michael Merz

    Dr. Michael Merz

    WORKING GROUP 2. DILI RISK STRATIFICATION Deputy for Leader WG2 ( University Hospital Zurich (Switzerland)   Clinical Pharmacologist and Drug…

  • Prof. Gerd A Kullak Ublick.

    Prof. Gerd A Kullak Ublick.

    WORKING GROUP 2. DILI RISK STRATIFICATION Leader ( University Hospital Zurich (Switzerland)   Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Director…

  • Jane Grove (PhD.)

    Jane Grove (PhD.)

    WORKING GROUP 1. IN-DEPTH PHENOTYPING IN DILI Co- Leader ( Assistant Professor Hepatology Research Group at the University of Nottingham,…

  • Prof. Helena Cortez-Pinto

    Prof. Helena Cortez-Pinto

    WORKING GROUP 1. IN-DEPTH PHENOTYPING IN DILI Leader ( University of Lisboa (Portugal) Professor in Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa…

  • Raul J. Andrade

    Raul J. Andrade

    CHAIR University of Malaga (UMA) – IBIMA Professor of Medicine. Head of the Department of Medicine, School of Medicine.…